Продукти за cpw бетон cire (2)

VICO Общи бои Дения

VICO Общи бои Дения

En VICO Pintura en General Denia, somos especialistas en pintura profesional para transformar espacios residenciales, comerciales y de oficinas en Denia y la Costa Blanca. Ofrecemos servicios de pintura de interiores y exteriores, restauración de daños causados por agua y humedad en paredes y techos, garantizando resultados duraderos y estéticamente impecables. Personaliza tu espacio con nuestra pintura decorativa y murales únicos, o renueva muebles, puertas y armarios para devolverles su esplendor. Comprometidos con la calidad, brindamos atención cercana y presupuestos competitivos. Si buscas pintores de confianza en Denia, ¡contáctanos para un presupuesto sin compromiso!
EU-CEG - EU-CEG TPD за тютюневи изделия

EU-CEG - EU-CEG TPD за тютюневи изделия

EU-CEG TPD for Tobacco Products - European Health Registry. European Health Registry for New Tobacco Products EU-CEG. It is required for selling in Europe your new and novel tobacco products. Delta Baco is one authorized European party to do so broadly in the European Union. He makes unlimited health registry records for their DELTA BACO represented companies, a difficult and costly service for foreign tobacco companies willing to sell in a market of more than 450 millions of people. If you want to sell by us, just we realize for 300 € unlimited EU-CEG product presentations' registries. If you have your own foreign sales infrastructure you could only require the EU-CEG. The European Health Registry for New Tobacco Products EU-CEG service do not include the lab analysis and certifications that some tobacco products with additives could require. DELTA BACO mantains relationship with international labs if it is required, and could make an offer apart.